Our Footprint
Take at look first at our backyard so you can too appreciate why it is so important that we only leave footprints.



Start of 2024 we had an Environmental, Social & Governance Strategy developed on the company.
We stopped giving one time use plastic bottles. We encourage you to bring your own water or purchase one of our reusable water pouch for $5 & we fill it with rain water for you.
We only wash our vehicles with collected rain water.
We only use locally owned businesses for visiting or supplies.
We recycle all materials that can be recycled and only print when necessary. Otherwise we are electronic in our daily operations.
We volunteer with two big organisations for the region to help give back to the town.
When exploring the national park each vehicle has a designated "bag" so if we see rubbish we can collect it to take home and dispose of properly.
We are mindful of highly visited locations, and for that reason we offer some of the lessen known spots to explore as dispersal is important for the environment.
We have started the process with Eco Tourism Australia to have our "strive 4 sustainability scorecard" which is on track to be completed by the end of this year.
We are most proud of delivering all flights from an off grid location - scroll down to see.

So far we have
What you can
do when visiting!
Caring for country
Take all rubbish with you (no bins in national park) leave no trace of your visit.
Keep wildlife wild! Do not feed or pat them.
Campfires are only permitted in provided steel fireplaces.
Domestic pets (ie: Dog) are not permitted in the national park
Drones are not permitted.
Visit less known spots
The most significant decision we have made
When you take off from Stawell Airport here

To experience and see this
You will now depart from our own private departure terminal that we built to not leave a footprint as it is off grid